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Willie Robinson - At Last, On Time
May 25, 1999
Original Release Date: 1999
1. Love Call
2. Fever
3. Can't Go Wrong Woman
4. Big Mary's House
5. They Call Me Weepin' Willie
6. Mighty Mighty
7. Glory Train
8. At Last, On Time
9. Dirty Old Man
10. Weepin' Willie Boogie
11. Love Me If You Want To
12. Let The Good Times Roll
Needless to say, anything produced by Acoustic Sounds
is destined to have fabulous sounds. This album is no
exception, but the focus is on Weepin' Willie Robinson,
a 73-year-old blues man who never got any attention
before. This time, through vocalist
Mighty Sam McClain's push, and the kind assistance
of the hot cookie Susan
Tedeschi, Willie put out this almost masterpiece.
His voice is poigant indicating that he's been through
a lot. The backup band is great as well, featuring Jimmy
D. Lane on electric guitar and Chuck Langford on
tenor sax. This shows how a blues album can still a
lot of variety. I got this CD new for US$9.99 in San
Francisco's Amoeba Records and it's a bargain since
I don't foresee a used copy anywhere.
Click here
to learn more about Weepin' Willie.