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Barron- Things Unseen
14, 1997
Original Release Date: October 14, 1997

Marie Laveau
2. Sequel, The
3. Christopher's Dance
4. Tongue In Cheek
5. Rose Noire
6. Things Unseen
7. Joy Island
8. Moment, The
I can
totally see why one might compare this disc with Tiger
Okoshi's "Color of Soil." Both discs are produced
in consecutive years with a similar lineup: Kenny Barron
on piano and Mino Cinelu on percussion. A Japanese violinist,
Naoko Terai, is also used on Barron's album, which is
another subtle hint of borrowing. In fact, Tiger and
Barron might just be influenced by each other. Both
pay equal tribute to traditional folk songs, whether
from Asia or Africa. In this album, Barron demonstrates
his ability both as an artist and a composer, though
his artistry is objectively better. But Barron's poetry
is definitely heard here. His beautiful piano playing
is accompanied by such great, non-obvious sounds by
his collaborators, who never try to steal Barron's shows.
This is a good try from Barron, though not without criticism.
But if you really want to know the flair of this great
pianist, "Night & The City" is always
my first choice.